Corso a.a. 2017-2018
F. Flandoli
Random initial conditions and noise in ordinary and partial differential equations
PhD Scuola Normale Superiore
The lectures will take place every Tuesday and Friday, 9:00-11:00, aula Tonelli, Palazzo Carovana. Starting time: 9:15.
Next lectures in May: 22, 24 (aula Bianchi Scienze), 29.
Next lectures in June: 1, 12.
Notes are prepared during the lectures, hence the following file is not complete and presumably
will also be corrected (not only extended) before the end of the lectures.
Partial notes (updated on Feb 24).
preliminary notes on ODE-SDE (March 17).
preliminary notes on infinite particle systems (April 8).
notes on infinite particle systems by Francesco Grotto (May 3).
notes on Gaussian Free Field by Clara Antonucci (May 19).
notes on Nonlinear Wave Equation (May 20).
notes on zero noise for ODEs by Umberto Pappalettera (May 29).
Notes on RDS
Summary of lectures
Part I