September 2013

3-years PostDoc position in Holomorphic Dynamics and Geometric Function Theory in Pisa

It is open the call for a postdoc position (assegno di ricerca) in Holomorphic Dynamics and Geometric Function Theory in Pisa, funded by FIRB Project “Geometria differenziale e teoria geometrica delle funzioni” (local coordinator J. Raissy).
Length: 3 years (starting from November 2013)
Net Salary: the net monthly salary will be approximately 2000 euro
Teaching duties: None
Application Deadline: October 3, 2013
Interview: October 15, 2013. It will be possible to have a Skype interview
Place: Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita’ di Pisa
Research topics: holomorphic dynamics in one and several variables, geometric function theory or, more generally, complex geometry and complex analysis
Italian call: or
English call: or
Besides what is specified in the call, we suggest applicants to send, by writing to and :
  • one or two reference letters (these can be sent directly by the reference writers);
  • a short research statement;
  • the CV, the publication list and the publications or, if possible, a link to a page where they are downloadable;
  • a Skype contact;
  • a short note informing us that the application has been mailed to the Universita’ di Pisa (and we suggest to use certified mail or express courier for sending the application).
For any question, candidates can contact Jasmin Raissy or myself.