Origami sourcebook
Jay Ansill
The book contains 37 models and 6 variations
1.1. Napkin cuff (Catherine Abbot)
1.2. Napkin cuff (Catherine Abbot)
1.3. Napkin cuff (Catherine Abbot)
2. Shawl (Gay Merrill Gross)
3. Bird of paradise (Traditional)
4. Pajarita (Traditional)
5. Ingenious letter-fold (Robert Neale)
7. Crane (Traditional)
8. Fancy dish (Traditional)
10. Picture frame (Aldo Putignano)
11. Renaissance shopping bag (Fred Rohm)
18. Bowl (Aldo Putignano)
24. Wizard (Robert Neale)
25. Witch (Robert Neale)
26. Winged dragon (Robert Neale)
34. Shiva (Robert J. Lang)
37. Cerberus (Robert J. Lang)