Origami 4
Robert Harbin
The book contains 90 models and 4 variations
All models in the book are shown here
1. Letter fold (Giuseppe Baggi)
2. Carnival hat (Robert Harbin)
3. Dish (Eric Kenneway)
4. Ted head (Eric Kenneway)
5. Man from Mars (Albert W. Allen)
6. Valentine (Alice Gray)
7. Glider (C. Plowman)
8. Fotopurse (John Cunliffe)
9. Ash tray (Ronald Koh)
10. Sycamore seed (John S. Smith)
11. Owligami (Edward Megrath)
12. Owl (John Richardson)
13. Flying Sparrow (Toshie Takahama)
14. Loch Ness Monster (Steve Manthorp)
15. Christmas ornament (T. Takahama)
16. Half ball (Iris Walker)
17. King of spades (Martin Lewis)
18. Dracula 1 (Eric Kenneway)
19. Dracula 2 (Ray Bolt)
20. Dracula 3 (Steven Biddle)
21. Dog barking (Clive Beeks)
22. Swimmer (Alice Blumberg)
23. Rabbit (Alice Gray)
24. Penguin (Alice Gray)
25. Goose (Alice Gray)
26.1. 3 pieces Jumbo (Alice Gray)
26.2. Jumbo with tusks (A. Gray, V. Adams)
27. Maple-leaf (Alice Gray)
28. Baby dragon (Bill Warner)
29. Ostrich (David Pacheco)
30. Mount Fuji (Eric Kenneway)
31. Super box (Lewis Simon)
32. Gliding toy (Traditional)
33. Sherlock Holmes (Robert W. Allen)
34. Smuggler's wallet (Vernon Holden)
35. Walrus (John French)
36. Humming bird (Gregory Knesner)
37. Swan (John French)
38. Siamese cat (Daniel Porter)
39. Elephant (Neal Elias)
40. Hat (Robert Harbin)
41. Baby grand (Patricia Crawford)
42. Baby penguin (Joel Stern)
43. Match box (Martin Wall)
44. Hand with olympic torch (Martin Wall)
45. Flapping bird (Paul Jackson)
46. Rose (Martin Wall)
47. Escher (Mick Guy)
48. Baby chick (Paul Jackson)
49. Buddha (Neal Elias)
50. Turtle (Neal Elias)
51. Buddha on tortoise (Neal Elias)
52. Buddha seated (N. Elias & F. Rohm)
53. Shrine of Buddha (Neal Elias)
54. Viking longship (Laurie Bisman)
55. Tank (Laurie Bisman)
56. Palm tree (Max Hulme)
57. Good dog (Malcolm Kerr)
58. Tri-star (Lewis Simon)
59. Diamond (Lewis Simon)
60. Oberon (Neal Elias)
61. Dancers (Neal Elias)
62. Square owl (Eric Kenneway)
63. Chick hatching (Neal Elias)
64. Siesta (Neal Elias)
65. Decoration (Iris Walker)
66. Persian horse (Dale Walton)
67. Lion reclining (Philip Yoshio Kushi)
68.1. Helmet 1 (Robert Harbin)
68.2. Helmet 2 (Robert Harbin)
69. Hell Cat (Robert Harbin)
70. Polyhedral box (Roberto Morassi)
71. Post a letter (Gary Simpson)
72.1. Arrow (Ronald Koh)
72.2. Heart (Ronald Koh)
72.3. Cupid (Ronald Koh)
73. Blue whale (Stuart R. Allington)
74. A red indian (Edward Megrath)
75. Marlin (Peter Acroyd)
76. Buddah display (Robert Harbin)
77. Squirrel (Alice Gray, Ed Sullivan)
78. Picture frame (Ed Sullivan)
79. Four roses (Fred Rohm)
80. Anchor (Ted Darwin)
81. Ocean liner (Ted Darwin)
82. Leaf (A. Hopman de Jong)
83. Letter (A. Hopman de Jong)
84. Angel fish (Dale Walton)
85. Pyramid (Bobby Valkenburg)
86. Flip-top (Dave Brill)
87. Book (Dave Brill)
88. Tipper truck (Max Hulme)
89. Matchbox 2 (Max Hulme)
90. Lizard (Max Hulme)