Libri di Roger Zelazny
- This immortal
- The dream master
- Lord of light
- Creatures of light and darkness
- Isle of the dead
- Damnation alley
- Nine princes in amber
- Jack of shadows
- The doors of his face, the lamps of his mouth
- The guns of Avalon
- Today we choose faces
- To die in Italbar
- Doorways in the sand
- Sign of the unicorn
- Deus irae (with P.K. Dick)
- Bridge of ashes
- My name is legion
- The hand of Oberon
- Unicorn variations
- The courts of chaos
- Roadmarks
- Changeling
- Madwand
- The last defender of Camelot
- Changing land
- Coils (with F. Saberhagen)
- Dilvish, the damned
- Eye of cat
- Trumps of doom
- Blood of amber
- Sign of chaos
- Dark travelling (with L. Wood)
- Knight of shadows
- The black throne (with F. Saberhagen)
- The mask of Loki (with T. Thomas)
- The graveyard heart
- Frost and fire
- Prince of chaos
- Bring me the head of prince charming (with R. Sheckley)

- Flare (with T. Thomas)
- A night in the lonesome october
- If at Faust you don't succeed
- WIlderness (with G. Hausman)
- A farce to be reckoned with (with R. Sheckley)
- Donnerjack (with J. Lindskold)
- Psychoshop (with A. Bester)
- Lord demon (with J. Lindskold)
- The collected stories of Roger Zelazny, vol. 1: Threshold
- The collected stories of Roger Zelazny, vol. 2: Power and light
- The collected stories of Roger Zelazny, vol. 3: This mortal mountain
- The collected stories of Roger Zelazny, vol. 4: Last exit to Babylon
- The collected stories of Roger Zelazny, vol. 5: Nine black doves

- The collected stories of Roger Zelazny, vol. 6: The road to Amber

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