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With this mini-workshop, we aim at gathering young researchers in the broad area of dispersive PDEs to restart and foster collaborations among the Italian community in this field. The schedule is kept light in order to facilitate the interaction among the participants, also to plan future events and hence to extend the collaborations to a wider audience of scholars.


Venue, Timetable, and Abstracts

The seminars will be given in the Aula Magna of the Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa, Main Building, Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 5, 57127 Pisa, Italy.

The schedule of the talks can be viewed by clicking here. The workshop will start on Thursday 8 February at 14h00, and will be closed on Saturday 10 February at 12h00.

The Book of Abstracts can be viewed by clicking here.


Luigi Forcella (University of Pisa) and Raffaele Scandone (University of Naples Federico II).

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